Career Development

The Academic Advising & Career Development office is here to help prepare you for a successful transition into the workplace. Below are some suggestions for yearly career goals. Please contact us for more support.

Freshman Year

  • Explore career interests by taking the Focus Two and reviewing the list of programs 体育菠菜大平台 offers
  • Complete informational interviews with professionals or faculty advisors in your area of interest
  • Get involved in clubs and events on campus. Document these experiences on your resume
  • Attend a Career Fair. All major Career Fairs are offered in October and March. Our Education Opportunities Fairs are offered in September and January
  • Check out your Handshake Account. Handshake is a free career development tool available for all students

Sophomore Year

  • Continue to build experiences that you can add to your resume (part-time job, campus leadership opportunities, volunteer opportunities, etc)
  • Attend a resume workshop offered by Academic Advising and Career Development
  • Update your Handshake Account with your current resume
  • Attend one of the Career Fairs. Begin asking employers about internships opportunities
  • Explore Study Abroad Opportunities
  • Create a LinkedIn Account

Junior Year

  • Attend the Career Fairs and secure an internship opportunity to gain experience in your program. Add this internship experience to your resume
  • Network with faculty, employers, friends, and family
  • Pursue leadership opportunities both on and off campus and add those to your resume
  • Learn how to write a cover letter
  • Explore Graduate School opportunities if interested

Senior Year

Applying for Government Jobs:

The process for applying for government jobs is different than other industries, especially when creating your resume. The best resource to learn more is USAJobs - the United States government's website for listing civil service job opportunities with federal agencies. Visit for more information.  For information specific about what to include on a federal resume, click here.

Veteran & Military Resources:

What do you want to do for a living? My Next Move can help you decide!

Veterans Employment Center
Veterans Job Board with a Resume Builder and a Military Skills Translator, which will help you describe your military experience on your resume.
Local/Regional Job Board for people with a military background

体育菠菜大平台 Contact

Dreamer Resources:

体育菠菜大平台 Graduate Studies Workshops:

体育菠菜大平台 Graduate Studies offers some great professional development workshops for prospective or current graduate students.

体育菠菜大平台 Graduate Studies Professional Development Workshops